New Mission & Vision Coming Soon!

Let us love with the love of God and let us live that love through our values.

Commitment: Being bound emotionally and intellectually to the Centre.
Teamwork: Being able to work collaboratively with others in a group.
Accountability: Accepting responsibility for one’s actions.
Excellence: Being superior in one’s performance, product and/or output.
Integrity: Ability to stand up for what is morally right and to fulfill commitments and promises.

Charles Fillmore's
Statements of Faith

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We Believe that it is our divine purpose to provide a setting where the Word of Truth is spoken, according to our highest understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ and in the tradition of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore co-founders of the Unity movement. For the Word of Truth illumines, heals, prospers, and frees. "If you continue in my word, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

We Believe that Unity Spiritual Centre is a temple for spiritual understanding and for healing in mind and body. It is a place of happiness and peace because we teach and practice Christ based principles. We tithe a tenth of all that we receive and we realize this priceless Truth: God is our instant, constant and abundant source of all we may need to effectively serve humanity.

We Believe in God, the Good omnipotent, the one presence and power everywhere expressing as Divine Mind in Whom we live, move and have our being, and in the supremacy and eternity of the Good. 

We Believe in the Christ, the Son of God, the perfect Word or Idea of God, which abides in each person as potential perfection. 

We Believe in Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, the Son of God made manifest in Jesus of Nazareth, the embodiment of all divine ideas, which exist eternally in Divine Mind. 

We Believe in the Holy Spirit, the whole Spirit of God in action, God’s love and grace ever ready to be poured out in spiritual baptism upon all whom receptively look to It for guidance.

We Believe in the Holy Trinity of God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, metaphysically interpreted as Mind, Idea, and Expression, and that the whole Spirit of God is with us at all times to supply our every need.

We Believe in the trinity of mankind: the three-fold nature of each person as Spirit, Soul and Body, and that these three are one.

We Believe that the Kingdom of heaven is within the individual, and that through each individual, the law and order that exists in Divine Mind are now being established on earth.

We Believe that the way to experience and express the kingdom of heaven is not through any external object or person, but only through the indwelling Christ.

We Believe that the "second coming "of Jesus Christ in now being fulfilled, that His Spirit is quickening the whole world.

We Believe that God’s will for us is only good, and that illumination, wholeness, prosperity, harmony, peace and joy are now ours because it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom.

We Believe that we are created in the image and likeness of God, and as such we are spirit and co-creators with God, endowed with free will, the ability to choose and with spiritual dominion.

We Believe that divine intelligence is present in every atom of man and matter, and that as co-creators with God we knowingly or unknowingly direct this intelligence.

We Believe in the creative power of thought and words, whether they are silently held or spoken.

We Believe in the spiritual law of mind action, that thoughts held in mind produce life experiences after their kind. In this we are co-creators with God.

We Believe in the power of prayer to illumine, heal, prosper, and bless, a power not limited by time or space.

We Believe in all the doctrines of Christianity, spiritually interpreted, and we agree with the Universal Truth evident in all religions, for each is a path to God.

We Believe that we are to follow Jesus Christ in the Regeneration, the unification of Spirit, soul and body in spiritual oneness or unity.